#usa #israel #deception #nasa #ufouap More deceptive stuff coming out... Talmudists elohims to rule the world from .. Sirius.... Read carefully, it is easy to spot the lies and what is actually true Lt. Colonel _X_X_ of G2, San Francisco advised today he has no further information, and that our Seattle office is in possession of all information known by him and is handling the matter at Tacoma, Washington https://humansarefree.com/2021/06/fbi-document-alien-bodies-spacecraft-and-planet.html

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Terrorisme français au #Sahel: Alertes attentats imminents de la #DGSI/DGSE #nrbc sur Paris, Alger, Oran, Annaba afin d'officialiser le déploiement de harkas, chaire à canon Algériens au Sahel, combattre pour la #France-Israël.... Macron et Tebboune s'en vont https://youtu.be/mqvpIMeV-YU