Terrorisme français au #Sahel: Alertes attentats imminents de la #DGSI/DGSE #nrbc sur Paris, Alger, Oran, Annaba afin d'officialiser le déploiement de harkas, chaire à canon Algériens au Sahel, combattre pour la #France-Israël.... Macron et Tebboune s'en vont https://youtu.be/mqvpIMeV-YU

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The ultimate goal of every #totalitarian system is to establish complete control over society and every individual within it in order to achieve ideological uniformity and eliminate any and all deviation from it. This goal can never be achieved, of course, but it is the raison d’être of all totalitarian systems, regardless of what forms they take and ideologies they espouse. #reset #fascism #zionism #genocide https://off-guardian.org/2021/06/21/manufacturing-new-normal-reality/

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The ultimate goal of every #totalitarian system is to establish complete control over society and every individual within it in order to achieve ideological uniformity and eliminate any and all deviation from it. This goal can never be achieved, of course, but it is the raison d’être of all totalitarian systems, regardless of what forms they take and ideologies they espouse. #reset #fascism #zionism #genocide https://off-guardian.org/2021/06/21/manufacturing-new-normal-reality/