Chasing down the Clowns, Neo-Tokyo.

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Saw Fire and Ice for the first time. Frank Frazetta and Ralph Bakshi teaming up to make an animated Sword and Sorcery movie. Very enjoyable S&S tale, definitely NOT epic Fantasy. Princess Teegra all kinds of cuddly. Prince Nekron not all there. Not enough lox on his bagel, IYKNWIMAITYD.

Gotta give it J Jonah: even when on the verge of being murdered, he wouldn’t sell out one of his freelancers. He’s an antagonist, but he had integrity. Props to the Triple J.

Jonathan Kent’s example is why Clark IS Clark. His iron-clad integrity came partially from within, yes, but also from the example of a decent, hard working, God fearing man of character, a man who believed in truth, justice, and the American way. 

Jon Kent’s greatest gift to the world was raising Clark to be a good man, before he became Superman.

More from Daddy Warpig

Saw Fire and Ice for the first time. Frank Frazetta and Ralph Bakshi teaming up to make an animated Sword and Sorcery movie. Very enjoyable S&S tale, definitely NOT epic Fantasy. Princess Teegra all kinds of cuddly. Prince Nekron not all there. Not enough lox on his bagel, IYKNWIMAITYD.

Gotta give it J Jonah: even when on the verge of being murdered, he wouldn’t sell out one of his freelancers. He’s an antagonist, but he had integrity. Props to the Triple J.

Jonathan Kent’s example is why Clark IS Clark. His iron-clad integrity came partially from within, yes, but also from the example of a decent, hard working, God fearing man of character, a man who believed in truth, justice, and the American way. 

Jon Kent’s greatest gift to the world was raising Clark to be a good man, before he became Superman.