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Proposing: making the EM acceleration portable, a traveling artificial pole made of light. Arrange lasers, polarized and shuttered, to reach a coherence in their electric moment according to method minds.com/newsfeed/1196979325165768704 as to create an electrical pole in a...See more

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Radiowave Coherence Spaceprobe Accelerator

Proposing: radiowave coherence spaceprobe accelerator for long range space travel, aka, super solar sails. Orient properly the most powerful vector of the photon - the electric component - delicately aligned against natural flow via amplitude constructive interference, with the...See more

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You want referral points. I want the #FractalUniverseRevolution. My content is unique to #Minds and Permaweb. You share, we both win. When you publish elsewhere a link to minds.com ending with ?referrer=YourUserName and your friends join, you get 5% of what they make from tips and memberships. Please, save your friends their old social network.


Be fed; feed others. @VirtualUniverse After much thought and edits; I present you, the succinct amalgamation of poetry, science & thought brought to point of artistry,... (even though you deleted your submission!? Shrug.) #art #stem #fur #virtualuniverse #philosophy

More from Virtualstan Leejohn Conwayverse

You want referral points. I want the #FractalUniverseRevolution. My content is unique to #Minds and Permaweb. You share, we both win. When you publish elsewhere a link to minds.com ending with ?referrer=YourUserName and your friends join, you get 5% of what they make from tips and memberships. Please, save your friends their old social network.


Be fed; feed others. @VirtualUniverse After much thought and edits; I present you, the succinct amalgamation of poetry, science & thought brought to point of artistry,... (even though you deleted your submission!? Shrug.) #art #stem #fur #virtualuniverse #philosophy