It's a tremendous disappointment how can' people think and put simple things together to see the power and rights they giving 🙁 over themselves with the Vax, 5G and yeah Chemical Trails of our Skies ! It's starts to get prophetic scriptural how effing dumb ignorant the most of ManKind, 😕 even who you wouldn't have tought to, has soding beCome! 😃 They no better follow Science than some Cult Sect Belief ...

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Why do we feel the need, the desire, the hunger to pull others along our path of awakening? What if they came here to just be? What if their gift is to show us what not to be or do so we can find our way out? What if their soul wants to become a silicone component of the AI...See more

To protect the life we created is our responsibility. To the Oppressors: WE DO NOT CONSENT on every wicked thoughts, actions, laws and mandates you imposed on us

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Why do we feel the need, the desire, the hunger to pull others along our path of awakening? What if they came here to just be? What if their gift is to show us what not to be or do so we can find our way out? What if their soul wants to become a silicone component of the AI...See more

To protect the life we created is our responsibility. To the Oppressors: WE DO NOT CONSENT on every wicked thoughts, actions, laws and mandates you imposed on us