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THOMAS SOWELL IS THE ***ONLY*** ACADEMIC PUNDIT WHO IS EMOTIONALLY AND INTELLECTUALLY ABLE TO CRITICIZE THE LEFT OPENLY AND HONESTLY -- WITHOUT RESERVATION As of two years ago -- before the Coup and Stolen Election -- their main concern seems to be the threat from the Right The Marxists' Bogeyman of America becoming some form of Nazi Germany The Left has obsessed on and used this Fantasy Threat for decades

More from Western Civilization & Current Events

THOMAS SOWELL IS THE ***ONLY*** ACADEMIC PUNDIT WHO IS EMOTIONALLY AND INTELLECTUALLY ABLE TO CRITICIZE THE LEFT OPENLY AND HONESTLY -- WITHOUT RESERVATION As of two years ago -- before the Coup and Stolen Election -- their main concern seems to be the threat from the Right The Marxists' Bogeyman of America becoming some form of Nazi Germany The Left has obsessed on and used this Fantasy Threat for decades