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Unironic woman hating is a beta male trait.

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Feminism gives da wamyns the right to chose, you guys! ...But if you don't choose the way we want you to, then you're a filthy misogynist! And how dare you think for yourself and choose to be a tradwife, you have to go have a fucking career because we said so, we're STRONK INDEPENAN WAMYNS who DONT NEED NO MAN REEEEEEEEEE Written by some dyke looking bitch. Because of course.


Please guys, DON'T share this with friends and family


More from JaeBee

Feminism gives da wamyns the right to chose, you guys! ...But if you don't choose the way we want you to, then you're a filthy misogynist! And how dare you think for yourself and choose to be a tradwife, you have to go have a fucking career because we said so, we're STRONK INDEPENAN WAMYNS who DONT NEED NO MAN REEEEEEEEEE Written by some dyke looking bitch. Because of course.


Please guys, DON'T share this with friends and family
