More unwelcome reaction from concerned parents to the Critical Theory cult being shoved down their children’s throats just is not going to plan. A Virginia mom who personally endured Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution before she was able to immigrate to the U.S. ripped a Virginia...See more

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The Wicked Witch of the West goes to Guatemala and hears some very inconvenient truths. Instead of receiving some sort of admiring photo op, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei dared to explain the true reasons for this largely self-inflicted disaster. He said the biggest...See more

More BLM Hypocrisy Will the corrupt media, idiotic corporations or craven politicians ever call out the true racists? “Stop Asian hate” is just another cruel deception by the BLM thugs that have RE-STARTED this hate. Most of the assaults are being committed by black men that...See more

More from BruceJackson

The Wicked Witch of the West goes to Guatemala and hears some very inconvenient truths. Instead of receiving some sort of admiring photo op, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei dared to explain the true reasons for this largely self-inflicted disaster. He said the biggest...See more

More BLM Hypocrisy Will the corrupt media, idiotic corporations or craven politicians ever call out the true racists? “Stop Asian hate” is just another cruel deception by the BLM thugs that have RE-STARTED this hate. Most of the assaults are being committed by black men that...See more