Another day. Another LIE falls apart. You can read for yourself of course, but short version: Park Police did NOT clear the area for Trump's photo op. They cleared the area to put up new fences BEFORE they were even told about Trump's planned visit. But that's not at all the story we were told for MONTHS afterward. :/

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A State which never allowed slaves plans to take money/property/assets from people who never owned slaves and give it to people who were never slaves. All based on skin color. Think about that. Then try to convince me that is NOT the very definition of "systemic racism."

Ah... The Racist in Chief is at it again. Always blame whitey. Ever wonder why race relations got SO much fucking worse under your "leadership" shit ball?! THIS. This is exactly why. It's not whitey's "fear and resentment." It's YOUR resentment and desire for revenge. It's...See more

That's a mistake. NEVER apologize to these outrage junkies. 1. They don't REALLY care anyway. Their faux outrage is just a means to control you. 2. You're agreeing that what you did was "wrong" even though it wasn't. 3. They will NEVER forgive you for it anyway. You've just HELPED them label you a "white supremacist" for life.

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A State which never allowed slaves plans to take money/property/assets from people who never owned slaves and give it to people who were never slaves. All based on skin color. Think about that. Then try to convince me that is NOT the very definition of "systemic racism."

Ah... The Racist in Chief is at it again. Always blame whitey. Ever wonder why race relations got SO much fucking worse under your "leadership" shit ball?! THIS. This is exactly why. It's not whitey's "fear and resentment." It's YOUR resentment and desire for revenge. It's...See more

That's a mistake. NEVER apologize to these outrage junkies. 1. They don't REALLY care anyway. Their faux outrage is just a means to control you. 2. You're agreeing that what you did was "wrong" even though it wasn't. 3. They will NEVER forgive you for it anyway. You've just HELPED them label you a "white supremacist" for life.