What is wrong with Pope Francis? Is he trying to hide something? So this black Cardinal speaks about an elitist hidden agenda to promote unchecked/ unintelligent and non-assimilating combative immigration from other countries as a fake-good-intention pretext into 1st world...See more

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Disney is evil. We all know that at their top is a high occult trying to brainwash and indoctrinate our children. If Disney rejects you, then you must be doing something right. PRAYER: Father, Disney thinks that it can snatch Your children away from You. Your children and You...See more

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Disney is evil. We all know that at their top is a high occult trying to brainwash and indoctrinate our children. If Disney rejects you, then you must be doing something right. PRAYER: Father, Disney thinks that it can snatch Your children away from You. Your children and You...See more