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"If you’re tired of being tracked and sharing your entire digital life with one company, or maybe you want more options, switching away from Google is easier than it sounds. Let’s start with finding a search site other than Google." Great list of alt-tech sites to get off goggles radar.

"What I actually found in the legislation shocked me." "One bill, for example, titled in part the “No Jump-Out Searches Act,” appears to have nothing whatsoever to do with jump-out searches." The far left are literally making up things to be angry at the police about.

More from Ragenstorm

"If you’re tired of being tracked and sharing your entire digital life with one company, or maybe you want more options, switching away from Google is easier than it sounds. Let’s start with finding a search site other than Google." Great list of alt-tech sites to get off goggles radar.

"What I actually found in the legislation shocked me." "One bill, for example, titled in part the “No Jump-Out Searches Act,” appears to have nothing whatsoever to do with jump-out searches." The far left are literally making up things to be angry at the police about.