THEY'RE THE FACE OF THE WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE (WWF). The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an organization with the sole mission of preserving the global animal population and reducing harmful human impacts on natural environments. Since 1961, they've used the giant panda on their logo. The logo was inspired by Chi-Chi, a panda housed at the London Zoo in 1961 during the organizations early days.

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Hodl 🤘

HEY DON'T HIBERNATE. Unlike other bears, giant pandas don't hibernate during winter seasons or have permanent dens. They're known to be winter resistant and usually take refuge in hollow trees.

More from Animal Minds

Hodl 🤘

HEY DON'T HIBERNATE. Unlike other bears, giant pandas don't hibernate during winter seasons or have permanent dens. They're known to be winter resistant and usually take refuge in hollow trees.