What the holy fuck. I can’t like any post can’t comment. Can’t see any comments. My app is up to date. So it’s not that. Makes me think Minds is fucking with me. Or Apple is fucking with me. Maybe it’s Apple cause I keep saying fuck China and fuck Xinnie the Pooh.

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I think any teacher or person working for government who promoted Critical Race Theory deserves the death penalty for attempting to instigate a race war. This has to be considered an act of treason! The entire BLM riots and the more than 1000 deaths they caused are all on the heads of those who promoted CRT!

@sweets414 you’ll love this. And anyone else who loves animals.

More from PoliticalKnowItAll


I think any teacher or person working for government who promoted Critical Race Theory deserves the death penalty for attempting to instigate a race war. This has to be considered an act of treason! The entire BLM riots and the more than 1000 deaths they caused are all on the heads of those who promoted CRT!

@sweets414 you’ll love this. And anyone else who loves animals.