A new book from Bold Venture Press: ZORRO AND THE IRISH COLONEL by Eugene H. Craig https://www.boldventurepress.com/zorro-and-the-irish-colonel/ Cover by Francisco Silva In the pueblo of Los Angeles in California, nearly 200 years ago, with its warmth, romance and peaceful...See more

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Please browse hundreds of unique books in more genres than you can imagine, from androids to zombies, from reprints of vintage books and pulp magazines to known authors, new authors and poets. Some of everything from common to unusual. boldventurepress.com

John French received this *Pulp Factory* award in the mail today for Best Short Story of the year, “Death of a Grandee,” which appeared in Rich Harvey’s Bold Venture Press anthology ZORRO: THE DARING ESCAPADES. French said this: “There are a number of people to thank for this...See more

COME TO PULP ADVENTURECON ON MAY 1, 2021 AND MEET George Moss — aka Gmoss — a talented artist, author and designer. PULP ADVENTURECON is an exciting multifaceted event with two ballrooms filled with comic book and pulp fiction magazine vendors, authors, artists, models and more....See more

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Please browse hundreds of unique books in more genres than you can imagine, from androids to zombies, from reprints of vintage books and pulp magazines to known authors, new authors and poets. Some of everything from common to unusual. boldventurepress.com

John French received this *Pulp Factory* award in the mail today for Best Short Story of the year, “Death of a Grandee,” which appeared in Rich Harvey’s Bold Venture Press anthology ZORRO: THE DARING ESCAPADES. French said this: “There are a number of people to thank for this...See more

COME TO PULP ADVENTURECON ON MAY 1, 2021 AND MEET George Moss — aka Gmoss — a talented artist, author and designer. PULP ADVENTURECON is an exciting multifaceted event with two ballrooms filled with comic book and pulp fiction magazine vendors, authors, artists, models and more....See more