In Europe, everybody saw their neighbors (and rivals) getting a printing press, so they had to get one too. The Ottoman Sultan didn’t have much in the way of rivals, so if he didn’t see what was so great about it, nobody else did either. Perhaps, although it might be worth...See more

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Race card? We have done several articles about National Geographic editor Susan Goldberg because National Geographic has a long history of doing science about human diversity...and now they wish they hadn't.

Good choice. But, if I recall, Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron” is Woke Government Dystopia but not Woke Corporate Dystopia. I think Philip K. Dick more or less invented Corporate Dystopia, but didn’t much foresee the Woke aspect. Paul Verhoeven (Robocop, Total Recall, Starship Troopers) should have done a dystopian Woke Corporate Oligarchy sci-fi movie, but I don’t believe he ever did.

You would never know any of that from Joe Biden's Tuesday speech. Sample quote, concerning the Tulsa fatalities: "the likely number is much more than the multiple of hundreds. Untold bodies dumped into mass graves …". The grammar there is Joe's, not mine. That's nonsense, of...See more

More from VDAREfoundation

Race card? We have done several articles about National Geographic editor Susan Goldberg because National Geographic has a long history of doing science about human diversity...and now they wish they hadn't.

Good choice. But, if I recall, Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron” is Woke Government Dystopia but not Woke Corporate Dystopia. I think Philip K. Dick more or less invented Corporate Dystopia, but didn’t much foresee the Woke aspect. Paul Verhoeven (Robocop, Total Recall, Starship Troopers) should have done a dystopian Woke Corporate Oligarchy sci-fi movie, but I don’t believe he ever did.

You would never know any of that from Joe Biden's Tuesday speech. Sample quote, concerning the Tulsa fatalities: "the likely number is much more than the multiple of hundreds. Untold bodies dumped into mass graves …". The grammar there is Joe's, not mine. That's nonsense, of...See more