More from PaulJosephWatson

A leading virologist who emailed Dr Fauci in January 2020 to tell him that the COVID-19 virus looked like it had been engineered in a lab has gone dark on Twitter, after deleting thousands of posts, then terminating his entire account completely.

Malaysian police are using drones which can check temperatures from as high as 20 meters above ground in the latest example of coronavirus population control.

More from PaulJosephWatson

A leading virologist who emailed Dr Fauci in January 2020 to tell him that the COVID-19 virus looked like it had been engineered in a lab has gone dark on Twitter, after deleting thousands of posts, then terminating his entire account completely.

Malaysian police are using drones which can check temperatures from as high as 20 meters above ground in the latest example of coronavirus population control.