The Cyber Polygon exercise will focus on simulating the downing of the global internet, as well as disruptions to power supplies and control grids. That’s right. In July, the summer month for peak heat in most of North America, there will be forced power outages. What will...See more

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Did you know that there are certain places on Google Earth which are totally off limits for society? It turns that all around the globe, there are ‘secret bases’ that have been edited and blacked out on purpose in order to hide whatever is there:

In Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, remains of 215 children have recently been found buried at the site of a local residential school. Residential schools in Canada were set up by the Canadian government and administered by churches, this system can be traced back to the...See more

When President Trump referred to the COVID virus as “Wuhan virus” or Chinese virus, he was accused of racism (no big surprise since everything is considered racist these days). The establishment media bent over backwards to claim anyone asserting the pandemic started in the Wuhan, China lab, was a “conspiracy theorist.” Banned and censored people for wrong think, because it didn’t match the media narrative:

More from HumansAreFree

Did you know that there are certain places on Google Earth which are totally off limits for society? It turns that all around the globe, there are ‘secret bases’ that have been edited and blacked out on purpose in order to hide whatever is there:

In Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, remains of 215 children have recently been found buried at the site of a local residential school. Residential schools in Canada were set up by the Canadian government and administered by churches, this system can be traced back to the...See more

When President Trump referred to the COVID virus as “Wuhan virus” or Chinese virus, he was accused of racism (no big surprise since everything is considered racist these days). The establishment media bent over backwards to claim anyone asserting the pandemic started in the Wuhan, China lab, was a “conspiracy theorist.” Banned and censored people for wrong think, because it didn’t match the media narrative: