Hampton does an adequate job of correcting the lies and exaggerations surrounding this event, such as the claims that 300 died in the “massacre.” "The authorities counted 36 dead in 1921; 24 blacks and 12 whites. A 2001 state commission found 39 people that could possibly be...See more

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To move on from Trump’s defeat, Americans must accept some difficult truths. The GOP Establishment, Conservative Inc., and Fox News are not going to save us. VDARE.com, on the other hand, is one of the most censored publication in America for a reason. Our hostile elites know...See more

Joe Biden’s viciously partisan Tulsa Race Riot Centenary Address was rightly denounced by Powerline’s Scott Johnson as “disgusting” and “dishonest.” (Note that the riot was not, as Biden claimed, a “massacre,” but one of several contemporary occasions when whites fought back...See more

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VDARE is entirely funded by donations from readers like you. We don’t chase news cycles or obsess over the political horserace. We care about America remaining as it should be, for ourselves and our posterity. https://vdare.com/articles/initiative-1-keep-vdare-com-publishing

To move on from Trump’s defeat, Americans must accept some difficult truths. The GOP Establishment, Conservative Inc., and Fox News are not going to save us. VDARE.com, on the other hand, is one of the most censored publication in America for a reason. Our hostile elites know...See more

Joe Biden’s viciously partisan Tulsa Race Riot Centenary Address was rightly denounced by Powerline’s Scott Johnson as “disgusting” and “dishonest.” (Note that the riot was not, as Biden claimed, a “massacre,” but one of several contemporary occasions when whites fought back...See more