This is a great documentary about how women are not the wonderful, kind, caring, peaceful angels as which they are often represented. There were some real female monsters, throughout history. Let's just admit that any intelligent being is capable of being evil. By pretending...See more

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This YouTuber from "Evil Week by Shallon Lester" is a serious psychopath - which she exposes to hundreds of thousands of followers, who apparently like watching this nutcase. YouTube is not even removing her, despite the obvious sexist hatred she spreads. But this does raise an...See more

No one "fears" her abortion - it's really good that she doesn't reproduce. She's clearly incapable of raising a child. And she's already hit the wall - hard. So this was probably the last chance she had of having a child. I'm sure she'll have a very happy life as eternal cat...See more

More from Feminism vs Men's rights

This YouTuber from "Evil Week by Shallon Lester" is a serious psychopath - which she exposes to hundreds of thousands of followers, who apparently like watching this nutcase. YouTube is not even removing her, despite the obvious sexist hatred she spreads. But this does raise an...See more

No one "fears" her abortion - it's really good that she doesn't reproduce. She's clearly incapable of raising a child. And she's already hit the wall - hard. So this was probably the last chance she had of having a child. I'm sure she'll have a very happy life as eternal cat...See more