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Could it be the Subhumans are getting ready to sacrifice The Ferret Faced Fauci On the Alter of Wokeness? :) "Dr. Anthony Fauci and Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director George Gao’s email exchanges were exposed Tuesday by the Washington Post," Zippity Do Daa . . . Zippity Eh . . . Me oh my what a wonderful day :)

The beginning of reparations . . . And all you incredibly stupid Blacks -- you think this is going to YOU??? WRONG! ***MINORITY*** MEANS "INDIANS" and "ASIANS" (YOUR FAVORITE PEOPLE) You Black Americans will come out the worst of everyone in the end JUST LIKE WHEN YOU BLACKS LISTENED TO THE WHITE LIBERAL BACK IN THE 60s :(

More from Western Civilization & Current Events

Could it be the Subhumans are getting ready to sacrifice The Ferret Faced Fauci On the Alter of Wokeness? :) "Dr. Anthony Fauci and Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director George Gao’s email exchanges were exposed Tuesday by the Washington Post," Zippity Do Daa . . . Zippity Eh . . . Me oh my what a wonderful day :)

The beginning of reparations . . . And all you incredibly stupid Blacks -- you think this is going to YOU??? WRONG! ***MINORITY*** MEANS "INDIANS" and "ASIANS" (YOUR FAVORITE PEOPLE) You Black Americans will come out the worst of everyone in the end JUST LIKE WHEN YOU BLACKS LISTENED TO THE WHITE LIBERAL BACK IN THE 60s :(