#BidenInflation - looks like Biden's build back better is a flop as people can't afford to build at all with the inflation he caused.

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More from Julia Milovat

12/2020 *snip* "Julian Melchiorri designed an artificial biological leaf capable of producing oxygen like its natural “cousins”. The project is called Silk Leaf. The artificial leaves are composed mainly of silk proteins and chloroplasts (a type of organelle present in plant...See more

"Delft University in the Netherlands has designed an ambulance drone that can deliver an automatic defibrillator within minutes in the event of a cardiac arrest.." https://www.thepatent.news/2021/04/26/rescue-ambulance-drone-test-netherlands/

More from Julia Milovat

12/2020 *snip* "Julian Melchiorri designed an artificial biological leaf capable of producing oxygen like its natural “cousins”. The project is called Silk Leaf. The artificial leaves are composed mainly of silk proteins and chloroplasts (a type of organelle present in plant...See more

"Delft University in the Netherlands has designed an ambulance drone that can deliver an automatic defibrillator within minutes in the event of a cardiac arrest.." https://www.thepatent.news/2021/04/26/rescue-ambulance-drone-test-netherlands/