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https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/may/25/project-veritas-exposes-how-facebook-shuts-down-co/ Facebook is suppressing “vaccine hesitancy” behind the scenes, limiting the reach of comments that express concerns about COVID-19 inoculations or share negative experiences, even if accurate, according to an investigation released Monday by Project Veritas. Хмм.. До этого сапрессили тему лабораторной утечки в Ухане.


NOT advocating this. Just noticing how sometimes there is a sort of 'comedy' in the IRONIES... i don't think that people understand that 'the golden rule' is in effect whether one KNOWS it exists or not. The 'golden rule' isn't so much a RULE that can be obeyed, or...See more


More from akog

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/may/25/project-veritas-exposes-how-facebook-shuts-down-co/ Facebook is suppressing “vaccine hesitancy” behind the scenes, limiting the reach of comments that express concerns about COVID-19 inoculations or share negative experiences, even if accurate, according to an investigation released Monday by Project Veritas. Хмм.. До этого сапрессили тему лабораторной утечки в Ухане.


NOT advocating this. Just noticing how sometimes there is a sort of 'comedy' in the IRONIES... i don't think that people understand that 'the golden rule' is in effect whether one KNOWS it exists or not. The 'golden rule' isn't so much a RULE that can be obeyed, or...See more
