More from New Discourses

"Critical Race Theory is currently getting a ton of attention on the national and international stage, which is long overdue, but there are also many misconceptions about it." -James Lindsay

Like many concepts utilized by Critical Social Justice, the idea of “emotional labor” originated with a real and valuable meaning that has been expanded to a nearly unrecognizable and politically useful extreme.

"There is a need for liberals of all kinds to push back against the identity politics approach. If we really value principles of not judging people by their race, gender, or sexuality, we must value them consistently." -James Lindsay & Helen Pluckrose

More from New Discourses

"Critical Race Theory is currently getting a ton of attention on the national and international stage, which is long overdue, but there are also many misconceptions about it." -James Lindsay

Like many concepts utilized by Critical Social Justice, the idea of “emotional labor” originated with a real and valuable meaning that has been expanded to a nearly unrecognizable and politically useful extreme.

"There is a need for liberals of all kinds to push back against the identity politics approach. If we really value principles of not judging people by their race, gender, or sexuality, we must value them consistently." -James Lindsay & Helen Pluckrose