  • verified_user

Wait didn’t they already do the autistic reboot?

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This doll looks like it's about to lecture me about my carbon footprint.


Must have been quite the salmon


Yup, I knew they were going to pull some bullshit with the Rugrats remake. Betty and Howard were a reverse role couple(not sure if thats the correct term but I'll go with that). Betty was wearing the pants in the relationship, she was strong, she was tough, she was a tomboy and...See more

More from CodingNagger


This doll looks like it's about to lecture me about my carbon footprint.


Must have been quite the salmon


Yup, I knew they were going to pull some bullshit with the Rugrats remake. Betty and Howard were a reverse role couple(not sure if thats the correct term but I'll go with that). Betty was wearing the pants in the relationship, she was strong, she was tough, she was a tomboy and...See more