Angel has been looking at everything, taking in all the fine details she didn't notice before. Angel: This floor is dirty. Me: It's mostly paint drips, we need paint remover but it's not that big of a problem. Angel: I didn't know there were these the stains on that wall. Me: Oh yeah, I hadn't noticed that. Angel: And there's dust in that corner. Me: Well now that you can actually see properly, this weekend we're doing spring cleaning.

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WOW - talk about a beauty?!?! I've never seen an all black stag before!

Angel loves her new glasses. She put them on for the first time and shouted, "I can see the clock! It has numbers!" Her eyesight went so slowly she never realized it was that bad. Now she doesn't want to take her glasses off.

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WOW - talk about a beauty?!?! I've never seen an all black stag before!

Angel loves her new glasses. She put them on for the first time and shouted, "I can see the clock! It has numbers!" Her eyesight went so slowly she never realized it was that bad. Now she doesn't want to take her glasses off.