More from Western Civilization & Current Events

It would be so beautiful to see some of these Subversive Subhumans dragged into a courtroom and interrogated under oath . . . And then sent to prison . . .

This long winded article boils down to the fact that the cheap drug "IVERMECTIN" is saving India and Africa And it also solved the COVID problem in Mexico (where I am now on a beautiful beach) If the Medical Profession is ever held to account for their part in the hundreds of thousands of people they murdered during this COVID "Pandemic" the prisons would be filled with doctors But of course no doctors are going to prison -- that's not how America works

More from Western Civilization & Current Events

It would be so beautiful to see some of these Subversive Subhumans dragged into a courtroom and interrogated under oath . . . And then sent to prison . . .

This long winded article boils down to the fact that the cheap drug "IVERMECTIN" is saving India and Africa And it also solved the COVID problem in Mexico (where I am now on a beautiful beach) If the Medical Profession is ever held to account for their part in the hundreds of thousands of people they murdered during this COVID "Pandemic" the prisons would be filled with doctors But of course no doctors are going to prison -- that's not how America works