More from MichaelHendrickson In an effort to raise awareness of the U.S.’s looming famine, I recently wrote, “Are You Ready For The EVERYTHING Shortage?” As hyperbolic as it might seem, that title is not an exaggeration. It’s the future we face if we don’t do something to change course. Also, over the past several months, I’ve written several articles to alarm activists and preppers alike regarding the coming shortage of necessities like food and water. And virtually everything else.

More from MichaelHendrickson In an effort to raise awareness of the U.S.’s looming famine, I recently wrote, “Are You Ready For The EVERYTHING Shortage?” As hyperbolic as it might seem, that title is not an exaggeration. It’s the future we face if we don’t do something to change course. Also, over the past several months, I’ve written several articles to alarm activists and preppers alike regarding the coming shortage of necessities like food and water. And virtually everything else.