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Tensions temporarily spiked between Washington and New Delhi when US warships conducted a “freedom of navigation operation” (FONOP) inside India’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in early April.

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Microsoft’s master Technocrat and President Brad Smith feigns concern over the arrival of Orwell’s 1984 but doesn’t even hint at Microsoft’s (and Bill Gates') causative role in bringing it about.

What matters most is not the creation of the claim but its propagation. People tend to believe, and pass along, claims that they believe substantiate their ideological views or further their material interests.

Police in America often act like their only tool to solve a problem is the use of violence. However, a police department in Pennsylvania just showed the rest of the cops in this country that there is another way.

More from Activist Post

Microsoft’s master Technocrat and President Brad Smith feigns concern over the arrival of Orwell’s 1984 but doesn’t even hint at Microsoft’s (and Bill Gates') causative role in bringing it about.

What matters most is not the creation of the claim but its propagation. People tend to believe, and pass along, claims that they believe substantiate their ideological views or further their material interests.

Police in America often act like their only tool to solve a problem is the use of violence. However, a police department in Pennsylvania just showed the rest of the cops in this country that there is another way.