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"While Carville and Axelrod were correct, in the sense that todayā€™s Democrat Party is ā€œout of touchā€ with the Democrat Party of years past, Carville, Axelrod, and other ā€œmoderateā€ Democrats are out of touch with their party. They have become ā€œout of touchā€ relics in the party that FDR and JFK would no longer recognize."

More from Censorship Sucks

"While Carville and Axelrod were correct, in the sense that todayā€™s Democrat Party is ā€œout of touchā€ with the Democrat Party of years past, Carville, Axelrod, and other ā€œmoderateā€ Democrats are out of touch with their party. They have become ā€œout of touchā€ relics in the party that FDR and JFK would no longer recognize."