More from BruceJackson

In response to information discovered about Covid's origins they really hoped to keep secret, Facebook ended its ban on posts which claimed it may have been man-made. Emperor Palpatine (Mark Zuckerberg), how about compensating all of those people you dishonestly deleted from Facebook?

KARMA'S A BITCH Corrupt mayoral candidate that supports "defund the police" cult has his car stolen by juvenile delinquents IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. The moron doesn't plan on filing charges against the kids, who he says acted out of desperation. This was his comment to reporters:...See more

THE WHITE HOUSE Aide: Wake up Mr. President, the Chinese Communists are calling. Biden (mutters into the phone):

More from BruceJackson

In response to information discovered about Covid's origins they really hoped to keep secret, Facebook ended its ban on posts which claimed it may have been man-made. Emperor Palpatine (Mark Zuckerberg), how about compensating all of those people you dishonestly deleted from Facebook?

KARMA'S A BITCH Corrupt mayoral candidate that supports "defund the police" cult has his car stolen by juvenile delinquents IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. The moron doesn't plan on filing charges against the kids, who he says acted out of desperation. This was his comment to reporters:...See more

THE WHITE HOUSE Aide: Wake up Mr. President, the Chinese Communists are calling. Biden (mutters into the phone):