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More from Ser Alex

It's okay Anon, I feel your pain too... May we all show a little love to Anon? #Anonymous #Redpill #HarshReality #4Chan #Anon

"And on the 69th day, God witnessed His creation make memes. And He saw that it was good; and it was morning and evening on that day." - Book of Memes, 1:2 #Comedy #Funny #Memes #Christianity #DankChristianMemes

As a fellow male, I can confirm that this is what I'd do in Ireland. #Comedy #Funny #Memes #Dankmemes #Boyswillbeboys

More from Ser Alex

It's okay Anon, I feel your pain too... May we all show a little love to Anon? #Anonymous #Redpill #HarshReality #4Chan #Anon

"And on the 69th day, God witnessed His creation make memes. And He saw that it was good; and it was morning and evening on that day." - Book of Memes, 1:2 #Comedy #Funny #Memes #Christianity #DankChristianMemes

As a fellow male, I can confirm that this is what I'd do in Ireland. #Comedy #Funny #Memes #Dankmemes #Boyswillbeboys