The Subhumans want to purge the Military of all Independent Thinking Patriots until there are only Marxist True Believer SJWs left Then the Subhumans will use that military to enforce their will on the American People They will slaughter us by the Tens of Thousands if they...See more

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Nice Try You Establishment Shill Subhuman Ass-KIsser :) IT IS NO LONGER DEMOCRAT VS REPUBLICAN -- THEY ARE ALL EQUALLY CORRUPT AND BOTH ARE AGAINST THE WORKING AND MIDDLE CLASSES NOW IT'S THE "CORRUPT ESTABLISHMENT" VS THE "PATRIOT OUTSIDER" All paths forward are through Trump Trump/DeSantis in 2024 . . . then President DeSantis in 2028

"“Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the ‘will of the people’ our Constitutional Republic is lost. Election integrity demands insuring there is one legal vote cast and counted per citizen,” the letter reads before going on to blast critics of voter ID laws as engaging in a “tyrannical intimidation tactic.”"

More from Western Civilization & Current Events

Nice Try You Establishment Shill Subhuman Ass-KIsser :) IT IS NO LONGER DEMOCRAT VS REPUBLICAN -- THEY ARE ALL EQUALLY CORRUPT AND BOTH ARE AGAINST THE WORKING AND MIDDLE CLASSES NOW IT'S THE "CORRUPT ESTABLISHMENT" VS THE "PATRIOT OUTSIDER" All paths forward are through Trump Trump/DeSantis in 2024 . . . then President DeSantis in 2028

"“Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the ‘will of the people’ our Constitutional Republic is lost. Election integrity demands insuring there is one legal vote cast and counted per citizen,” the letter reads before going on to blast critics of voter ID laws as engaging in a “tyrannical intimidation tactic.”"