This is what I call a "Leaded Law" shooting. It's different from a "mass shooting" in that, in spite of the fact that there are there are a mass of people, and they're shooting, few or no people are killed. “We find as many as nine, eight or nine victims. We believe it’s...See more

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An anonymous iSteve commenter points out that this may be related to the Anti-Defamation League’s recent campaign to tar San Mateo (hometown of Tom Brady) as a hotbed of anti-Semitism and racism and hate Now the San Mateo school district can’t have a problem anymore with White Supremacy because it got rid of all its whites. As Woke Stalin would say, “No white, no problem.”

"It’s easy to understand the motivation for telling black people that if they behave better it will be a sharp stick in the eye to evil whites, but is there any evidence that the kind of blacks who behave badly understand these triple bankshot strategies? My theory is that the only thing likely to have any beneficial effect is telling blacks that they should be ashamed of their bad behavior and they must knock it off. But that’s unthinkable these days."

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An anonymous iSteve commenter points out that this may be related to the Anti-Defamation League’s recent campaign to tar San Mateo (hometown of Tom Brady) as a hotbed of anti-Semitism and racism and hate Now the San Mateo school district can’t have a problem anymore with White Supremacy because it got rid of all its whites. As Woke Stalin would say, “No white, no problem.”

"It’s easy to understand the motivation for telling black people that if they behave better it will be a sharp stick in the eye to evil whites, but is there any evidence that the kind of blacks who behave badly understand these triple bankshot strategies? My theory is that the only thing likely to have any beneficial effect is telling blacks that they should be ashamed of their bad behavior and they must knock it off. But that’s unthinkable these days."