A think #Trump is really smart keeping a low profile. The #democrats are gunning for him and he gives no opportunities. The #msm is dying without having Trump to make money on. The #rinos and the #fbi are fuming. But every once and a while he pops up and socks an ahole right on the nose!!

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More from Alfred Jarry Dumb people think that BLM means bullying white people and any non-whites who aren't onboard -- with impunity. Sure some white folks bullied. But white folks in general did a lot to keep the world running. Now we have entitled bullies who only destroy. #blackracism #blm #policing #bigotry #hypocrisy #theleft takes no responsibility for what they say while constantly blaming #theright 's discourse for unrelated incidents. Here the lefty reporter had to reverse quickly because he accidently highlighted the frequency of #blackonasiancrime. The Left's self righteous #hypocrisy is only second to their #moneyseeking.

More from Alfred Jarry Dumb people think that BLM means bullying white people and any non-whites who aren't onboard -- with impunity. Sure some white folks bullied. But white folks in general did a lot to keep the world running. Now we have entitled bullies who only destroy. #blackracism #blm #policing #bigotry #hypocrisy #theleft takes no responsibility for what they say while constantly blaming #theright 's discourse for unrelated incidents. Here the lefty reporter had to reverse quickly because he accidently highlighted the frequency of #blackonasiancrime. The Left's self righteous #hypocrisy is only second to their #moneyseeking.