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The first half of this war belonged to the Deep State & their domestic terrorists on the ground - BLM & Antifa. But I believe the second half will belong to We The People. This is the time where we are gathering up our strength, strategizing, & preparing for our peaceful & non-violent UNITED STAND.


Many on the Far Left actually believe they are the majority. But as more States pass laws protecting their citizens from the left's lunacy & the more the left's agenda is exposed - Massive #'s will be seen leaving the Democrat Plantation. They will see, they are but a small & defeated minority.


I won't go into all the details of how. But I will say this, the GOAL of the Global Elite is to prolong, perpetuate, & intensify the COVID-1984 Shamdemic. They have NO plans of allowing it to go away. They seek to keep it in place until we've been put in our place. The place of a defeated pleb.

More from FreedomFighterVictor


The first half of this war belonged to the Deep State & their domestic terrorists on the ground - BLM & Antifa. But I believe the second half will belong to We The People. This is the time where we are gathering up our strength, strategizing, & preparing for our peaceful & non-violent UNITED STAND.


Many on the Far Left actually believe they are the majority. But as more States pass laws protecting their citizens from the left's lunacy & the more the left's agenda is exposed - Massive #'s will be seen leaving the Democrat Plantation. They will see, they are but a small & defeated minority.


I won't go into all the details of how. But I will say this, the GOAL of the Global Elite is to prolong, perpetuate, & intensify the COVID-1984 Shamdemic. They have NO plans of allowing it to go away. They seek to keep it in place until we've been put in our place. The place of a defeated pleb.