More from SeriouslySampson

Every Empire that has failed has two thing in common during it’s final days. Celebrity chefs and inclusivity (aka assimilation). "Every virtue carried to the extreme, is a vice."

Conservatives know that if you give government an inch, it will take a mile: bureaucracies will expand, spending will balloon, the state’s mission will creep into every aspect of our lives and individual liberties will suffer as a result. This is exactly what has happened with...See more

More from SeriouslySampson

Every Empire that has failed has two thing in common during it’s final days. Celebrity chefs and inclusivity (aka assimilation). "Every virtue carried to the extreme, is a vice."

Conservatives know that if you give government an inch, it will take a mile: bureaucracies will expand, spending will balloon, the state’s mission will creep into every aspect of our lives and individual liberties will suffer as a result. This is exactly what has happened with...See more