As the covid-19 scandal continues, authorities are increasingly using censorship and intimidation tactics to control the narrative and shut down the truth. The FTC is charging Eric Nepute and Quickwork LLC in a federal court for the heinous crime of advertising zinc and vitamin...See more

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With the USA Biden Presidency, Washington has rejoined the Global Warming agenda of the Paris Accords. With China making loud pledges about meeting strict CO2 emission standards by 2060, now the World Economic Forum is about to unveil what will transform the way we all live in...See more

Over the years, Bill Gates has ended up in a position where he monopolizes or wields disproportional influence over not only the tech industry, but also global health and vaccines [and depopulation], agriculture and food policy (including biopiracy and fake food), weather...See more

Pope Francis Calls for a Post-COVID ‘New World Order’

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With the USA Biden Presidency, Washington has rejoined the Global Warming agenda of the Paris Accords. With China making loud pledges about meeting strict CO2 emission standards by 2060, now the World Economic Forum is about to unveil what will transform the way we all live in...See more

Over the years, Bill Gates has ended up in a position where he monopolizes or wields disproportional influence over not only the tech industry, but also global health and vaccines [and depopulation], agriculture and food policy (including biopiracy and fake food), weather...See more

Pope Francis Calls for a Post-COVID ‘New World Order’