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What a vile despicable traitorous low life . . . The whole fucking Bush family . . . a cancer on America . . . His father flew an Avenger Bomber in WWII and was shot down off a Japanese held island he had just bombed It was up to the Wind: if it blew his raft back to the Island he would be decapitated . . . It blew the other way and low and behold the Lord subsequently sent us this Piece of Shit :(

More from Western Civilization & Current Events

What a vile despicable traitorous low life . . . The whole fucking Bush family . . . a cancer on America . . . His father flew an Avenger Bomber in WWII and was shot down off a Japanese held island he had just bombed It was up to the Wind: if it blew his raft back to the Island he would be decapitated . . . It blew the other way and low and behold the Lord subsequently sent us this Piece of Shit :(