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More from V. P.

I had to block another one channel who we were mutual subscribers, because it downvoted an article, making also an insult. - "You can stop peeing on her". I am here in a good will, and I've already have said that the downvote icon of Minds should be replaced with something...See more


Interesting... Black Priviledge, is to say whatever you want in favor of black social constructed race against the whites and the "white-supremacy" society applause(or don't care) because you are non-white, while if a white person would say the same things against non-whites, he would be immediately cancelled by that "white-supremacy" society. #blackpriviledge in #whitesupremacy (sic!) https://youtu.be/Tkr-azJVTAM

More from V. P.

I had to block another one channel who we were mutual subscribers, because it downvoted an article, making also an insult. - "You can stop peeing on her". I am here in a good will, and I've already have said that the downvote icon of Minds should be replaced with something...See more


Interesting... Black Priviledge, is to say whatever you want in favor of black social constructed race against the whites and the "white-supremacy" society applause(or don't care) because you are non-white, while if a white person would say the same things against non-whites, he would be immediately cancelled by that "white-supremacy" society. #blackpriviledge in #whitesupremacy (sic!) https://youtu.be/Tkr-azJVTAM