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The media is the enemy of the people

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LeBron James is pro Black on Black violence


The saddest thing about the cop shooting the 15-year old is that no one would know about it if a cop wasn't involved. If the 15 year-old managed to kill the other girl, the news would be buried in page 14 of a newspaper and it would be just another Tuesday in the hood. Leftists and democrat politicians would not give a shit at all.


woman moment

More from Milf-Chan Jeremy

LeBron James is pro Black on Black violence


The saddest thing about the cop shooting the 15-year old is that no one would know about it if a cop wasn't involved. If the 15 year-old managed to kill the other girl, the news would be buried in page 14 of a newspaper and it would be just another Tuesday in the hood. Leftists and democrat politicians would not give a shit at all.


woman moment