
"The Eye of Kosova" #Lake of Kuqishte, in Liqenat/Rugova, should be in everybody's list to be visited when #traveling across #Kosova. The #hiking path to reach it, fresh air, and all of the relaxing landscapes in that area are worthwhile for all those seeking new adventures. Every #nature lover's dream!

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The most beautiful part of Rrasa e Zogut looking absolutely magnificent with the Gjeravica mountain at the back. - Definitely, the best place to count sheep. #rrasaezogut #mountains #kosovo #albania #travel

"The Church of Theth" In year 1917 it was At Shtjefen Gjeรงovi, who opened the first school in Albanian language for Thethi kids. An unusual and beautiful church built in 1892 and still at the same spot with same foundations until this very day. #Albania #ShtjefenGjeรงovi #1917 #1892 #School

Good evening from Old Town of #Dubrovnik. #Croatia #Amazing #minds

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The most beautiful part of Rrasa e Zogut looking absolutely magnificent with the Gjeravica mountain at the back. - Definitely, the best place to count sheep. #rrasaezogut #mountains #kosovo #albania #travel

"The Church of Theth" In year 1917 it was At Shtjefen Gjeรงovi, who opened the first school in Albanian language for Thethi kids. An unusual and beautiful church built in 1892 and still at the same spot with same foundations until this very day. #Albania #ShtjefenGjeรงovi #1917 #1892 #School

Good evening from Old Town of #Dubrovnik. #Croatia #Amazing #minds