I find it super weird that in the UK we only see cheerleading in American TV/media, and it’s not actually apart of our culture at all. Which sucks cause I would have loved to of tried it growing up Super cool that i hit 10k on tiktok ! smashing a cake in my face later to celebrate. Come join me link in bio!

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we braved many obstacles to be together at last Tamamo: cn_lucy : pndanoodlez

: fxdandy i just finished shin sekai yori and I'm just thinking about implications of the "next step" of human evolution djdjebfjd this anime is so interesting and thought-provoking

Rin costest! Gonna cos her with duel.yue as my Archer at

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we braved many obstacles to be together at last Tamamo: cn_lucy : pndanoodlez

: fxdandy i just finished shin sekai yori and I'm just thinking about implications of the "next step" of human evolution djdjebfjd this anime is so interesting and thought-provoking

Rin costest! Gonna cos her with duel.yue as my Archer at