New Post Up! It is time, my fellow Americans, that we begin to take pride in the system and society that we create each and every day we wake up and go about our business. This is Project Remoralization!

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Hey Texans, that executive order your Governor signed isn't enough to stop the Public Health Tyranny that is vaccine passports. You need legislation enacted banning all businesses from using such systems. Here is a link to find you state reps and senators in Texas. Call them up on the phone, don't email, call them on their phones, leave messages if you have to. Let them know vaccine passports will not be tolerated in a free state.

New Post. Must Read. "If we are going to succeed with the New Civil Rights Movement, and have the power of change, we must have a decentralize army of political actors, working in their own communities, to rally support for the cause, fighting to end the Public Health Tyranny. "This article is an outline for that."

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Hey Texans, that executive order your Governor signed isn't enough to stop the Public Health Tyranny that is vaccine passports. You need legislation enacted banning all businesses from using such systems. Here is a link to find you state reps and senators in Texas. Call them up on the phone, don't email, call them on their phones, leave messages if you have to. Let them know vaccine passports will not be tolerated in a free state.

New Post. Must Read. "If we are going to succeed with the New Civil Rights Movement, and have the power of change, we must have a decentralize army of political actors, working in their own communities, to rally support for the cause, fighting to end the Public Health Tyranny. "This article is an outline for that."