Anyone who claims that “well-regulated” in the Second Amendment is declaring government regulations are needed on guns hasn’t read the text, is a halfwit illiterate, or simply disingenuous. The prepositional phrase in the sentence is the justification for why the right to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed.” -TJ Martinell #2ndAmendment #gunrights #constitution #10thAmendment #libertarian

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As James Madison put it, the powers delegated to the federal government are "few and defined," while those reserved to the people of the several states are "numerous and indefinite." #10thAmendment #constitution #decentralize #libertarian #liberty

FACT: You live in a tyranny. If the largest government in the history of the world doesn't count as "power without any restraint," nothing ever did and ever will. #truth #quotes #libertarian #constitution #10thAmendment

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As James Madison put it, the powers delegated to the federal government are "few and defined," while those reserved to the people of the several states are "numerous and indefinite." #10thAmendment #constitution #decentralize #libertarian #liberty

FACT: You live in a tyranny. If the largest government in the history of the world doesn't count as "power without any restraint," nothing ever did and ever will. #truth #quotes #libertarian #constitution #10thAmendment