NO ONE on Minds should be reporting or banning ANYONE unless they are sharing child pornography (which is a crime) or they are making a clearly credible and actionable threat of committing a felony. We donโ€™t want Minds to become twitter 2.0 where a bunch of worthless and spineless people start banning everyone left and right because their truly worthless little feelings got hurt. Communists, Marxists, and leftists are NOT people and their feelings should never count.

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Arthurian DOOMism is officially a mythology now that The Ancient Gods: Part Two has made him into โ€œthe Sleeping Man.โ€

The quail are outside in the back yard playing Penis-Butt. They always do this before mating season.

Taking care of my mom this weekend because my stepdad is going to play Penis-Butt at a campsite for 2 days. I wish him luck. He is armed but there will be many people there and he only has so many bullets... Sleeping with my Python.

More from DOOMguy

Arthurian DOOMism is officially a mythology now that The Ancient Gods: Part Two has made him into โ€œthe Sleeping Man.โ€

The quail are outside in the back yard playing Penis-Butt. They always do this before mating season.

Taking care of my mom this weekend because my stepdad is going to play Penis-Butt at a campsite for 2 days. I wish him luck. He is armed but there will be many people there and he only has so many bullets... Sleeping with my Python.