Triggered? You just need to rewash your brain, with some more of that tv programming bs.

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More from Alberto Simon Bellu


Healthy People Don't Make Other People Sick...a Weakened Immune System Does... Do Not Allow Yourself to be Brainwashed...It is Pure Programming we are Living through. It's a LIVE Simulation and Pure Insanity. Manipulation through Suggestion to control the weak minded. Ya know...See more


Most people still think taxation is the basis of civilized society. Nothing could be further from the truth. Taxation funds all the undesirable aspects of society which is why it has to be extracted with threat of violence. Good ideas don't require force. #TaxationIsTheft

More from Alberto Simon Bellu


Healthy People Don't Make Other People Sick...a Weakened Immune System Does... Do Not Allow Yourself to be Brainwashed...It is Pure Programming we are Living through. It's a LIVE Simulation and Pure Insanity. Manipulation through Suggestion to control the weak minded. Ya know...See more


Most people still think taxation is the basis of civilized society. Nothing could be further from the truth. Taxation funds all the undesirable aspects of society which is why it has to be extracted with threat of violence. Good ideas don't require force. #TaxationIsTheft