Dr. Fauci is wrong an awful lot.

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The minimum Social Security Payment is $849/mo. The average monthly payment for a person who retires at 70 is $1,612. So a 17-year-old burger flipper who lives at home needs $2,600/mo, but seniors deserve substantially less?

We all need to push back and this leftist cultism. The left has gotten out of hand with their demands that we have to change to fit into their ideology.

President Trump's first address to a joint session of Congress was Feb. 28, 2017. Obama's was Feb 24, 2009. No President in decades has waited this long to schedule an address to Congress. I wonder why?

More from Chuck Dodgson

The minimum Social Security Payment is $849/mo. The average monthly payment for a person who retires at 70 is $1,612. So a 17-year-old burger flipper who lives at home needs $2,600/mo, but seniors deserve substantially less?

We all need to push back and this leftist cultism. The left has gotten out of hand with their demands that we have to change to fit into their ideology.

President Trump's first address to a joint session of Congress was Feb. 28, 2017. Obama's was Feb 24, 2009. No President in decades has waited this long to schedule an address to Congress. I wonder why?