Psychopaths And Narcissists Love To Tell You What They Are Doing.

It's a truism. They're so gleefully cock-a-hoop about how gosh darned brilliant they are that they just can't keep quiet about it. It's also a way to manufacture your consent.

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ATTN: SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS! This is how it has to begin. One step at a time. DO NOT let anyone tell you how to run your business. You don't even have to put up the sign, just don't enforce masks- be passive if you so chose. It's gotta start somewhere 'cause if WE don't do it, no one is gonna do it for us.

More from Skookum Bardily


ATTN: SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS! This is how it has to begin. One step at a time. DO NOT let anyone tell you how to run your business. You don't even have to put up the sign, just don't enforce masks- be passive if you so chose. It's gotta start somewhere 'cause if WE don't do it, no one is gonna do it for us.