Made me laugh ..there are empty villages full of empty houses all over France ..houses for sale at 10k would appear the housing problem is in the cities where the rich gather served by the poor... Look at the rural villages , put back the train you took to serve Paris more

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Middle income , ie those with jobs ..not poor nor rich ..middle ...remember all that furlough money they paid you to stay home and play at covid ..well now they want it back and they are going to tax you for it ..well played Middle-income households to be hit by ‘£2bn council...See more

Hmmm Obesity ..caused by ?? why arent we suing the firms responsible ? Ah coivd keeps on giving truths in all their lies Obesity is linked to Britain's high Covid death toll: Britain's status as the 'sick man of Europe' led to number of deaths from coronavirus, experts claim High standards of the UK's NHS care that help many of us live longer with diabetes and survive heart attacks has meant we may have been left more exposed to the virus (file).

More from sootybitz

Middle income , ie those with jobs ..not poor nor rich ..middle ...remember all that furlough money they paid you to stay home and play at covid ..well now they want it back and they are going to tax you for it ..well played Middle-income households to be hit by ‘£2bn council...See more

Hmmm Obesity ..caused by ?? why arent we suing the firms responsible ? Ah coivd keeps on giving truths in all their lies Obesity is linked to Britain's high Covid death toll: Britain's status as the 'sick man of Europe' led to number of deaths from coronavirus, experts claim High standards of the UK's NHS care that help many of us live longer with diabetes and survive heart attacks has meant we may have been left more exposed to the virus (file).