Literally every...fuckin...time

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More from Lisa2683


It still amazes me that literally no one cares or talks about this and even worse, that nothing ever happened to her for the shit she did. Hell Cosby wasnt even as bad and his ass is in prison! Yet women bitch about wanting EqUaLiTy (yes i realize im one too but i suppose having a functioning brain sets me apart)...fuck outta here

Both parties are worthless but still the GOP is worse because they lie about their shit. Least the Dems are upfront about how commie/marxist/socialist they are

More from Lisa2683


It still amazes me that literally no one cares or talks about this and even worse, that nothing ever happened to her for the shit she did. Hell Cosby wasnt even as bad and his ass is in prison! Yet women bitch about wanting EqUaLiTy (yes i realize im one too but i suppose having a functioning brain sets me apart)...fuck outta here

Both parties are worthless but still the GOP is worse because they lie about their shit. Least the Dems are upfront about how commie/marxist/socialist they are